
Every year we support numerous local community groups, charities and individuals with their projects through our Green Vision Scheme.

Helping to create a sustainable future - environmentally and socially

Our Green Vision Scheme was set up as part of our post-consumer glass recycling initiative in 2021 to help support communities.

The thinking behind Green Vision is simple. Every year in the UK, thousands of tonnes of high quality glass removed from windows and doors during replacement work is needlessly sent to landfill. This is because the value of this post-consumer glass has never fully been understood by the industry, and it is simply habit for many installers to throw their old sealed units in the general waste skip.

We put the value of this waste to good use by collecting and crushing end of life glass units (IGUs) into what is known as cullet. As it generates a high quality raw material for making new glass, it has a significant value. This means we can generate money through our production of cullet, and this is all placed into the Green Vision fund so it can be used to support good causes.

Types of projects supported by Green Vision

Green Vision can support any project or initiative that is helping to deliver environmental or social improvements in communities in Yorkshire.

It supports a wide range of individuals, groups and charities, examples of which you can see on this page below and on our Sponsorship page – projects and initiatives making a difference, large and small.

Our grants have provided financial assistance to support everything from a project to create a vegetable garden at a primary school and volunteer-led ‘village in bloom’ initiatives, to dance school scholarships and amateur sports clubs.

Discover community projects we’ve supported below

  • Calverley Brownies

  • Moorlands Primary School

  • Freedom 2 Dance

  • The Tribe Youth Group

  • Yorkshire Children's Charity

  • Chisana Senshi Karate Club

  • Yorkshire Cat Rescue

  • Huddersfield Litter Bandits

  • Cash For Kids

  • Gildersome Cricket Club

  • Swim Championship

  • Mafwa Theatre

  • Triathlete Sponsorship

  • Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

  • Big Bike Fix

  • Garforth Peace Project

  • Halton In Bloom

  • Golcar Playing Fields

Brownies Gain Green Fingers Thanks To Morley Glass

One of the most recent beneficiaries of the Morley Glass Green Vision funding, has used the money to take over and improve one of the flower beds in a local park.

The Calverley Rainbows, Brownies and Guides joined forces to put their green fingers to the test at Calverley’s Victoria Park.

This began in 2022 as part of First Calverley Brownies centenary celebrations, with those who took part planting spring bulbs, summer perennials and winter bedding plants. A number of edible bushes and fruit trees have also been planted at the Brownies’ allotment.

Initially, the girls planted and grew all the plants in suffragette colours of green, white and purple - products including peas, beans and carrots. This year however, the funding has been used to invest in a green house where tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers have all been growing nicely.

In addition to this there is now a cage where the girls are growing cabbages and Brussel sprouts which they hope will be ready in time for Christmas. Furthermore, they also learned about sustainable foraging with some of the girls taking home some of the wild garlic growing along the footpaths.

All the girls – from First Calverley Rainbows, First and Second Calverley Brownies, and First and Second Calverley Guides – have taken part in the planting programme as part of the North East England chief commissioner’s #growshoutandshare challenge for 2023. This looks at GROWing up through guiding; SHOUTing about guiding, and learning to SHARE with communities. All attributes that complement the Morley Glass Green Vision ethos.

The girls will be doing further challenges this year including the Leeds Owl trail, donating 50 items to a local food-bank, and completing 50 random acts of kindness within the community.

Yorkshire wildlife trust

Working in Partnership with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have launched an inspiring and ambitious campaign to bring communities together across Yorkshire to reverse nature’s decline and bring back wild places for the benefit of wildlife and people. #TeamWilder is a rapidly growing movement of people who care about the environment, and want to help wildlife thrive, not just on nature reserves, but at home, at work and in their communities.

Everyone can get involved in #TeamWilder – simply sign up at to access toolkits, guidance, support, and events to help you to be the difference nature needs.

We are always keen to hear from charities, schools and good causes in the Leeds and Yorkshire areas who may need our help. We can’t promise to help everyone but if every business took the time and effort to give back to their local communities then the world would be a much better place.

Committed to sustainability

Download our Sustainability Brochure.

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